"La passione per il arte, il drama e la danza...La lotta che non ci ferma mai."
"Pasión por el Arte y al Vida, el drama y la danza, luz y movimiento evocan lo espiritual... La lucha por la Vida sin detenerse."
"Passionate for Life and Art: light and movement to evoke the spiritual. "


Fiore DCC 
(787) 662-0247

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    MARIA VICTORIA PR, 2017-2018
    oil on canvas
    8' x 5'




    Born on May 12, 1970, in Ponce, Puerto Rico from Spanish- Italian heritage, from Dr. Jose Alfredo DeCastro and Flor de Maria Carlo. From an early age, their support contributed to motivating her artistic mind with visits to family in Spain and Europe. This inspiration persisted in her re-discovering the classics and the great master’s ideals.


    From 1992-1996, she lived in Florence, Italy, to solidify her skills and experience the lives of the Great Masters from direct studies of the actual works of Michelangelo and Leonardo, Raphaello at the Florence Academy of Art, under the instruction of Daniel Graves, graduated in 1996. Straight after, master in Sculpture at the New York Academy of Art in 1998. The transparencies, sfumato, and rawness of the surface on vast open spaces evoke the beauty of man and female bodies presented with strength.

    In 2001, founder- director of the Academia De Arte Fiorentina at the historical building in Calle Isabel No. 60 in Ponce. 2001- 2005 Faculty member of liberal arts of UPR-Ponce. Exhibits in Ponce, SJ, NY, and California. Exhibited and independently taught the academy program until 2009. Returned to Isabela, PR, and taught at Liceo Aguadillano. In 2018-2020, Art Professor of Art Appreciation and Graphic Art at Interamerican University, Aguadilla.

    Immersed in Nature of the exotic island, capturing the essence of light and movement. The flow of water, semitransparent layered bodies floating in an atmosphere of light, in contemplation evoking the spiritual suggestively. Portrait and figure paintings with anatomical precision, captured movement emphasizing the figure, strong women, and several surf legends selected. The Spiritual strength and struggle portrayed on voluptuous strong bodies derives from the masters' determination “to conquer matter to show what matters most.” From her earlier academic works, she handled rich pigments, layers, and glazes that present depth and solidity. Evolving with oriental concepts and techniques through abstractions to enhance the spiritual and eternal values, the fugacity of the moment, and the fragility of life.

    as great supporters of the arts, contribute to motivate with the recurrent visits to family in Spain and Europe that greatly inspired and impacted her young artistic mind. Since early age her inclinations persisted on rediscovering the classics and the great master’s ideals.

    In 1992, began her most awaited journey to live in Florence, Italy, to solidify her skills from direct studies of the actual works of Michelangelo and Leonardo, Raphael to experience the lives of the masters. Until 1996 graduated from the Florence Academy of Art. Followed her masters in Sculpture at the New York Academy of Art.

    2023 Isabel 60 II Piso, Ponce, PR; 2003-Present Rincon, PR

    06 2021 Ashawagh Hall, Springs, East Hampton, NY

    2012- 2017 Alumni EXHIBIT, The NY Academy of Figurative Art, NYC

    2016 Cancer Relief Benefit, Casa Heinz, Rincón, PR

    2009 Alumni NYAFA, NYC; Cambria, Cayucos, Pismo, Morro Bay, CA

    2003 Antiguo Casino, Mayaguez ; Museo de Historia de Ponce

    2002 Universidad Interamericana-Ponce

    1991 Universidad Interamericana; Casa Alcaldía San Germán, PR

    1992 Casa Alcaldía, Ponce, PR

    2004-1990 Biannual Exhibit Ponce Artists, UPR-Ponce, PR

    Private Collections PA NY PR FL CA IT


    Fiore at the Studio.

    In 2001, Founded Academia de Arte Fiorentina, imparting the discipline and method from the academia in Florence, Italy.
    Visit Academia de Arte Fiorentina on IG, offering online program.

    Welcome to visit the Gallery works at the Academia de Arte Fiorentina in Ponce, by appointment.

    Ocean + Classic Gallery 

    Fiore DCC

    Passionate for life. The power of Nature amazes us as it leads us to creation, to express its beauty in contemplation of our inner self and quests. Power of Love and art that gives us strength.
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